You are here: BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise Administrator's Guide > Optimizing performance > Optimizing vault performance

Optimizing vault performance

When designing a large Meridian Enterprise system, distributing the data among multiple smaller vaults can produce up to four times better performance than containing it all in one or more larger vaults.

Each Meridian vault can be tuned for optimal performance based on its size and the amount of activity it gets. The major configuration factors and recommendations are described in the following topics.

If a vault is configured to use HyperCache, its performance is already optimized and the following topics do not apply.

Related concepts

Understanding HyperCache

Optimizing performance

Optimizing server hardware

Optimizing the server operating system

Optimizing the server software

Optimizing the vault configuration

Optimizing client computer performance

Optimizing antivirus applications

Optimizing batch operations

Related tasks

Configuring the MaximumCacheSize setting

Configuring the RelativeCacheSize setting

Configuring the MaximumLogSize setting

Configuring the MinimumSnapshotInterval setting